Monday, February 18, 2008

Roosters Everywhere

As you can tell by the name of my farm, chickens are an important component of life here at Brown Egg Farm. Several years ago, I got it in my head that I wanted to have chickens. I researched and studied chickens for several months and eventually my good friend, John, and I built a chicken coop for the arrival of my first hens. I purchased my first six chickens at the local 4-H poultry auction and I loved each of them like their were my own babies. The years have gone by and many a sweet hen has come and gone. My battle with my two local raccoons is an ongoing one although I think I am finally winning the battle. One rule that I held strong to until the last year was a strict no rooster rule. I currently have six chickens, one of which I knew was a rooster when he arrived. In the duration, I have made the discovery that four out of my six chickens are indeed roosters. You can imagine that our morning choir of cock-a-doodle doos is worthy of a concert hall.

My mom is currently visiting and she has been a tad bit flabbergasted at my rooster choir. She, like most people, assumed that roosters let out a loud crowing or two at sunrise and then are done for the day. My roosters, however, take great pride in greeting anyone who comes and goes, talking to each other, and sometimes even greeting vehicles passing by with a cock-a-doodle doo. They are so spoiled now that I usually can tell from the tone of their "voices" that they are ready for their food!

My rooster rule has now long been broken and I love each of my chicken boys. Our farmyard may not be the quietiest place, but the trade-off is the joyful noise of some amazing creatures.

Have a wonderful day!


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